
What Mind-in-Motion is all about

Brain in bloom… let it be!
Grow potatoes in a bathtub you saw discarded on a street corner, and brought home in order to turn it into a marvellous potato and salad patch!

What drives me to write, why do I care?

Because I have to write in order to maintain a safe distance between absolute insanity and myself, for one. If you don’t get the words out, then (validated by personal experience), one’s head can go very much ‘tits up’ indeed. Don’t try and contain it all, it can’t be contained.

Also, I am inspired by the magic about those who have, in the past, written, shared and enshrined many aspects of their conscious soul, mind, character and personality. How to live beyond your bones.

Of many bewildering stories, spun into narrative in people; courtesy of having lived. In a world which so badly needs more stories from real people, stories which remain unedited or changed, they are the original words, behind which a mind shared a fragment of their soul. We need them, for, as a picture can say a thousand words, words too can illustrate a thousand pictures.

What do I intend to write about?

Good question, and if I’m completely honest with myself, I’ve got a vague idea to answer this question, but sometimes you end up finding out what your own intentions were, by just starting to write. Try and fit the plethora of the vocab into a confined box in an attempt to keep it contained, and you run the risk of accidentally silencing that within you which really needed articulating, and had true potential to be unique, unharnessed and interesting to hear.

So it may vary, but I’ll do my best to at least let my readers know what they’re getting themselves into when they explore my posts.

  • Mental health
  • Recovery- from anything which needs ‘recovering from’- be it addiction, trauma, physical illness, mental illness when it strikes hardest, bereavement, your own mindset, abusive relationships, eating disorders, you name it. It’s all about focusing on the now, and the healing
  • Art- why I find it beautiful, attempts to even define it justifiably, how it threads like the fixing of stitches, into my own life, and how I have been inspired by my late mother’s love for teaching and making Art
  • Music- it’s like a first aid kit, is a good playlist, so I’ll be sharing some of my favourite finds on here in the hope that it gets heard, and that people get to discover sounds they needed
  • Politics- Please don’t be put off, I’m not going to be an absolute buzzkill of a soap box preacher, using ridiculous words which make no sense whatsoever to the people who actually need hearing and representing. Politicians amaze me in one way- that being their ability to talk for long stretches of time, reeling out statements and speeches, within which the colossal word count constituting what they say, rattles on through them, long enough to match a university dissertation in terms of volume… yet in all that time, they manage to speak yet actually SAY NOTHING AT ALL. It’s like watching that one dude at the rave, who is so off his head he doesn’t even realise he’s talking, only, coming from politicians, it’s just downright infuriating. I’ll be talking about matters of politics, because I genuinely am passionate about things which affect real people. You don’t have to read these posts if you don’t want to, at all. I can understand why one would want to run a mile at the sheer mention of the political. But I think it matters, personally.
  • Raising awareness about real life struggles and matters which can affect any of us at any given time, surprising and catching one off guard, because it’s hard to imagine various things ever happening to you. For example, surviving domestic abuse, sexual assault and rape, drug and alcohol addiction, exploitation, facing the issue of suicide- unexpected experiences with suicide, whereby it has sprung itself upon you like a shot put to the cheek or a flood which causes your home to crumble… it’s there, is the issue, and it’s not going away. We may as well be brave and talk about it.
  • Poems- I enjoy writing my own and sharing my favourites, so I’ll be making plenty of poetic posts on here
  • Positive reflections and reminders about the wonderful within our life- like the joy our pets bring to us when they join you as family and best friend
  • I’ll probably do a few dark humour posts which need me to write that *TW* thing at the start of them
  • Inspiring ways to get in touch with nature, get creative with making a colourstorm of a garden space out of unexpectedly perfect and upcycled objects as plant pots and grow your own food plots
  • I’ll be posting a great deal of my own lived experiences with massive challenges. When I talk about addiction and mental illness, or surviving abuse, living with poverty and not even having the means to get to a food bank to get life sustenance I’m starving for, I’m not just theorising or guessing, not reading from any textbook to help me put together words to try and define it… I’m using my own (honestly, exhausting but invaluable life lessons) to speak. My aim is to speak out for myself, and to speak out for others. I want people to read something I’ve dared to share, and feel less alone at least, if they can relate deeply to it too…
  • Short stories… we shall see where that leads us
  • Inspiring quotes and stories of conquering that which feels ‘unconquerable’
  • Philosophy (I’m not going to even try elaborate at this point, you will know about it when you find yourself reading the philosophical and downright confusing
  • I’ll be answering questions of the day type prompts, and reblogging the posts of other fellow bloggers which I stumble upon and feel particularly struck by
  • I shall try and include some appropriate comedy content alongside the inappropriate- the bottom line is there will be comedy within this blog, and many of you may well be outraged. Not good enough reason to stop me sharing it though, while others may be disgusted, there are those of us out there who just need to hear it, inappropriate and/or dark as it could possibly get.
I really do.

What you take from reading my blog is beautifully impossible for me to guess, but here is how I might describe the content, to offer a clue on what to expect….

I’d say that you could describe my blog as being comprised partially by simple snippets of conscious thoughts, which, at the very most basic level, I guess fits in its own way, although I confess, tis’ a somewhat hazardous way to introduce this writing space, I don’t want people to read that and instantly turn away due to already feeling stressed by the ambiguity of such a summary… this ambiguity, however, could be part of the magic of reading any kind of written material at all, in the first instance, and maybe that’s why you’re even here to read these words from the start…?

To elaborate: I mean Snippets and peeks into the mind from which I write from, like a chance to have a healthy little nosy into another person’s perception, and reflections on that good old contested concept of ‘reality’. My posts offer my good readers a few windows through which to view a fraction of my mind’s reel.

I consider this to be of interest, as we all do ponder at some point, ‘how do other people think and see things? What is in their mind, I wonder how shocked I would be if I were to truly experience how similar or how different my own mind works compared with theirs?

Minds are behind the creation of unique Art… their uniqueness is undoubtedly special

Let’s do this!

Identify- Be strong tonight, and remember who you are


Above/or below at the end of this post , let’s find out… is a song which enabled be to rekindle the light of an identity within myself which I’d too frequently felt I could no longer discover again…

I related to the first half of the song, for its harrowing, and spine tingling resonance with how life has left me feeling so truly defeated, that even the identity I always had, which regardless of plight, trauma and extent of prolonged darkness, I knew was still so strong, so resolute, indefatigable and astonishingly unconquerable, than even the darkest of plights, particularly within mental health and all of the potentially problematic tendrils stemming from a rotting core, could not relinquish the coil of an ensnarement into a dark and directionless plight that was there, truly declaring that ‘it’ thought it had ‘won’ the battle against the inner soldier, and unstoppable force of strength and true purpose that never ceases to radiate, regardless of the shit and trauma, mental health discombobulating ‘diagnoses’ which ‘containment’ rather than ‘liberation’ and ‘patient centred, unique treatment options’ could be offered by a mental health services within the NHS, which are so terribly oppressive, that it’s hard to imagine that there doesn’t lie a conspiracy theory behind the inadequacy which sustains life long ‘dependency’ on medication and sub standard services that the ‘mental health crisis’ and failings in delivery of effective care, behind the madness which nourishes abominable and seemingly never ending ‘madness’….

Well, resonate however deeply I may well be capable of doing with the initial half of this ‘sound the bugle’ song, from the soundtrack to the film: ‘Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron’, the twist the song takes in the positive and empowering narrative of the second half of the song and its liberating lyrics: ‘I’m a survivor, remember who you are’, guess what was almost fated to be heard once again, years after I’d first ever encountered this song as a young adolescent…

Even on my darkest of days, simply hearing this twist back to winning the battle as a soldier, with something ‘worth fighting for’, has managed to pull me through unimaginable suffering, turning helplessness straight on its head, back into a resolute reminder about who I REALLY AM, too, and that’s a fighter, with a battle ‘worth fighting for’.

My true identity keeps sustaining my survival against all odds, and it’s never stopped screaming out within my core, however quietened the volume of such its immortal cry may have been reduced to.

Follow the link to the song, and see if you can resonate too… we all have an identity which we truly belong to, and which belongs to us.

A purpose in life, and a mission to fulfil, a spark which can NEVER be put out- do not ever let failed systems and corrupt regimes make you believe in anything otherwise, than that which is your true worth, identity, purpose and self.

Above: The Psychedelic Penguin knows…!

I am more than this temporary plight, and I defy you to defy me to cease defying myself to defy the system and all the defiance on the menu

The link: ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Listen and remember who you are, you god damn marvellous mother fuckers!

Fuck you all, corruption, you ceased to recognise you were fighting against a hurricane which thrives and survives, because, I am the storm myself, and within me, you will find glorious sunshine and rainbows too.


Newly discovered old Poem

For several soundless seasons passed
I’ve searched my future, present, past

I’m looking for the tools I had
Back in some age where days were glad

I thought about the skills I had, and subsequently, I began to grope my mind

Language would follow me
Through my days
Then help me translate
The joy and the wretched,
The divine, the unknown,
All those factors to comprehend
which assemblage to comprise

The tapestry of living, and it’s curious haze

Of feelings, movements, sights of colour
On Earth, this brain and this spirit, still yearns to discover,
The beauty and the wretchedness
The father and the mother

The political and the personal,
Those Social concepts we arranged

To define and to simplify, the glorious and the grand,
The wreck, and the power,
The elements within

Such strange and so shielded, life which evolution made Human,
Spiced and roasted,
Experimental, perhaps.
Humanity could be a mere consequencil living dish

I find it most gorgeous, while resenting it too,
This confusion of mind,
The stubborn ‘gift’ for mankind

The enigma, which refuses
To be tamed for convenience,
Of We humans who seek
Answers, or gold, wealth in possession or thought

I marvel, in conclusion, at
The language we made,
Such a step could be taken, towards philosophical first aid.

Question time- why brick wall!?

Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.

So the first thing that came to mind, in all honesty, when I encountered this question, was of a brick wall!

What is the meaning of this!?


I can actually explain it, weirdly enough.

It’s got to be a result of recently bumping back into this most fabulously vibrant soul of a fellow woman, never mind where we met, the matter of psychiatric context simultaneously sheds light on both the creativity of minds and why such minds needed to rely upon this kind of creativity, in order to get through life!

Best depiction of this delightful soul I could find- rainbow rays of gorgeous energy

So this blonde beaming lass was sat outside a building I happened to come out of to have a cigarette break from the trauma of the building itself, I don’t even have to name names, if you know, you know!

I was originally locked inside the cage of my own mind, and it’s own chaotic experiences, and I was sighing as I looked up to a blue(ish) sky, lighting up my cheap snide Richmond which you buy from the shops you know about. The ones which hide the stash of the untaxed illegal (and that’s why they’re so cheap, and many people of this city know where to buy them, because we’re all so fucking skint, but too stressed to stop smoking so we can afford to top up electric), behind a few bottles of Rubicon on a shelf beside the till.

I digress…

Now this super woman was actually genuinely in distress, and our mutual crisis of mental health, wasn’t even the first thing which pulled us towards each other, spiritually and empathically, during that chance meeting upon a certain smoking bench, outside a building which shall not be named- for legal reasons, and also the sheer mention of the name for it, makes me at least angry enough to find an evil wizard, who can cast a spell over it and cause a ‘Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ type nightmare to emerge within, at the absolute least- yet somehow, cracking through the outer shell of mental turmoil and emotional fatigue, the lass, who I will call ‘Angel C’, still emitted this most powerful ray of light energy, despite the Hell she was actually going through.

She came up to me and her aura itself instantly had me engaged.

Spiritual energy… Bloody precious is what it is!

When suddenly, there you are, faced with one of life’s finest, rarest, fantastical moments- The type of moment you don’t get just by waiting on a ‘stroke of luck’ to finally announce itself into the wild and the weighty substance which constitutes your life, you can’t possibly place dictatorship upon fate- there are some things in life that find you, not the other way around.

Well, this meeting between this hospitalised clusterfuck of myself, which found itself outside those locked doors, cig in hand, following the beckoning of fresh air with a paradoxical affair with the toxins of tobacco, and the absolutely thaumaturgic (I used a thesaurus because I needed a word for ‘magic’ which surpassed itself language wise- magic alone doesn’t cut the gravity of this… trust me, thaumaturgic is a word it turns out!) chance meeting of Angel C, in her pink pyjamas and her voice which screamed out to me- this person needs listening to and knowing, at once!

Anyway, such is the kind of moment I’m trying to describe.

Suddenly, the shape of circumstance changed, and with it, a brave, new, and powerful narrative arose.

The energy and the vibe of the cool and breezy March air, within which myself, Angel C, a few peers/relations who seemed to be supporting her, as they sat beside her on that bench, protective, friendly, yet unable to mask concern and perhaps even fear- not of Angel C herself, but of the situation, of her situation, and of the vulnerability which they were trying hard to protect, and shield this blonde haired ray of a gleaming soul they were desperate to keep out of harm’s way.

There was a relentless, glittering wind in her sails, and bloody hell, that’s quite a set of sails that can withstand the gale and the crashing chaos of a sea which threatens to consume anything and everything, with the waves of someone’s ‘last resort’, attempting to swallow this ship, with the rage and the rampage of a thousand traumas, the sinking sands of mental illness and living hell, left unheard or aided by any such helping hand capable of lifting such a soldier out of the penultimate scene of their ruthless battlefield.

I don’t know about any other being in the vicinity, but I could fucking see the shine through the storm in her soul.

Wild, wonderful, colour storming shades, shaping the rare, beautiful might of a tiger, with the eyes of a warrior, blended by sweeping strokes of colour, too vibrant for those who cannot yet see…

It didn’t just strike a chord within me, it struck the composition of a whole god damn orchestra.

As Nietzsche said: ‘those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.’

Thus, momentarily, (and hopefully to be continued beyond one or two encounters alone), relief washed over me.


There was another soul who had the passion and the pain of a life capable of changing the world, if only she could see it, and if only we joined forces, so long as the ‘system’ didn’t finish us off, so long as we remembered who we were, what we were put on this Earth for, why we were so fiercely determined, so shamelessly unique, yet so disgracefully fucked over by trauma both prior, during, and absolutely caused- not only by the pain and suffering of living in a world where the perpetrators, the utterly corrupt, cruel, unqualified, incompetent, somehow ‘professionally employed’ twats, such as a certain team we shall refer to as ‘agents of calamity’, and consultant Psychiatrists who ought to be locked up, and sentenced (at least) to a week in the life of the unwell people who, begging for help, are turned away and toldif you’re going to kill yourself, then I might as well take back that medication I prescribed, because of the pharmaceutical waste’

*That above quote is 100% real- these words were actually precisely what a particular ‘Doctor’ said to me, after discharging me from hospital, after I’d begged for one week as an inpatient to save myself from further self harm and worse*

A visual representation to sum up the attitude of the very ‘professionals’ we entrust with our care… and the whole institution in which this utter, dangerous fuckwit is still allowed to operate within, seemingly, without questions, from those who damn well should be asking MANY questions… your complacency is nearly as bad as his ‘cunt-ism’ (only fitting word I had to make up)

Clue- think of female names beginning with the letter ‘M’, then add ‘House’ at the end of it, as if it were a surname. There we go- I’ve not actually said anything to justify a severe bollocking… but I’ve instead presented to you, a fun puzzle… 😂😚

Nevertheless, she, and WE, persevere.

Fuck the crisis, fuck the mutual despair we were currently going through, Angel C had the spiritual energy of a second Sun, and my word, does our modern day world have a haunting chill about it which cries out for such a blazing, life sustaining star to assist.

Understandably, upon our psych hospital grounds setting, where we met, Angel C was presenting pretty much exactly as manic I was, and some of those people we know to be boring as fuck, might have run a mile from the pair of us.


Especially since this new connection had been forged, and if anyone found just one of us too much to compute, then ohhhhhh deary me, wait for what’s coming now there are two!

Not a temporary, superficial one either. Spiritually solid. Fated to be.

Run as far as your legs can carry you, ‘normal people’, for it is great exercise, and you will subsequently receive lovely endorphins, before realising that actually, you are running into a dead end, so might need to turn back and listen to what the ‘loonies’ have to say.

A very old but fitting cartoon I drew in 2010 which fits my statement…


Absolutely outstandingly have I managed to digress once AGAIN, back to this brick wall.

The first thing Angel C said to me, was:

‘What do you think of when you think of a brick wall?’

Say what!?
Shout out to all the plants growing through the bricks of a wall- you delightful, remarkable legends… what are you using for soil!?

Now, as the stubborn, defiant and contrary little fucker that I am, I was instantly delighted to have been presented with this opportunity to challenge the image of a brick wall which started to merge into my mental headspace, whilst also hearing the music of Pink Floyd’s ‘Another brick in the wall’ emerge into my mental realm of rebellious madness.

Brick wall challenge accepted…

My initial responses were along the lines of:

‘I’m jumping over the fucker, I won’t be stopped by no by any such brick wall!’

I shall not be stopped damn you wall! Bricks or no bricks, I’m telling you now, I’ll not be defeated! 😂

Patiently, she had to ask me the question again…

Me being me, I had to defy the reality of the brick wall’s ‘nothingness’ once again, and my memory seems to tell me that I was inventing further new answers which defied the brick wall, such as how I could knock it down or graffiti all over it.

It turned out that the answer to this question, was supposed to be: ‘nothing’.

It’s a question to ask yourself which literally serves as a trick to push out negative traumatic imagery from your mind, because, after asking yourself the ‘brick wall’ question, that’s suddenly what you think of, and it feels like ‘nothing’.

Halt thy flashbacks, defy the ensnarement of their grip, with the metaphorical ‘stop sign’, somehow more powerful than you’d ever imagine, stemming from some image as simple as a brick wall…

Your PTSD hits a brick wall, because your thoughts are interrupted by this visual imagery, which tackles the snowballing catastrophe of traumatic memories, which invade your present day reality, forcing your very surroundings to melt and merge into the present day reality which surrounds you, right then and there, but which your flashbacks won’t have any of, in terms of what it believes is going on.

It was when Angel C explained this to me in more detail, that I actually let down my defiant guard, and began to listen properly to what she was saying, and accept there was a large element of truth in it.

‘Where the fuck has she learned this from!?’

Is exactly what I pondered.

After all, it isn’t really your typical ‘thinking inside the box’ solution or idea to emerge from another human being.

Many human beings are- unfortunately- plagued by the ‘inner box’ thinking, due to life, apparent ‘lessons’ and acquisition of ‘knowledge’, stripping imagination, originality and ‘external box’ thinking.

(It’s a right shame, to state it in a Yorkshire accent way, which I am perfectly entitled to do, as a Yorkshire lass, writing this post.)

Was Angel C hindered or stopped by this level of ‘normative attitude’ which has spread its tendrils across societies within the human race?

Was she fuck.

Beyond the black and white- this one is the yin and the yang, but psychedelic and artistically captivating AF!

I realised, not only due to this introductory ‘brick wall’ question, that I’d met someone very special and rare indeed.

Think beautiful empath, broken, but only to the extent that her external warrior’s armour was scratched and damaged… the soul and the person behind the shield and sword were more in tact, radiant and undefeated than I think she even realised/realises herself.

I am desperate for her to realise this fact about herself, and believe in it, too.

During subsequent encounters with each other, Angel C and my ‘mad self’ (of which I am proud to be), this original insight into her personal and spiritual magic has only grown in magnitude and in evidence. she has spurred me on alright, and basically saved my life.

I’ve found a comrade as determined, passionate, shattered by, but not at all lost to trauma and mental illness, and she wants to change this shit that is going on, and threading tightly together, the stitches which bind together the fragmented textiles of the entire UK mental health crisis in itself.

Now, the ashes which had befallen the pit of my stomach, soul and seemingly relentless energy, had made themselves very clear, that my flame for ‘trying’, fighting and caring had now gone out, but not now that I’d met this Angel C.

Oh no. The fight was not over at all!

The inner fire returned with a mighty roar, and from it, rose the legendary Phoenix, wings flapping, soaring, elevating and fanning freshly ignited flames, with their residual energy, as my ember winged bird took flight, out of the pit of the sooty, fragile ashen ‘remains’.

Returning- I am the light, we are the colour

You are obviously allowed to finish reading this post whenever you want, but ideally, I hope you have at least made it to this point.

I do realise how much I’ve written, and how hard you, as a reader, must have worked to get to this point.

I can only applaud you, yet I must insist that the reason this post is practically a book now, is because this encounter, this person, and the issue at heart is so deeply important and significant, not just to myself, but for others too.

If you brave reading past the line below, then you must celebrate your own perseverance and dedication.

At least, go and have yourself a damn fine brew (I can’t say alcoholic drink because I’m nearly 6 months sober, and can’t in all good conscience promote drinking as a coping mechanism for the exhausting mental energy required for this post)…

Otherwise, I would.

You could try…(never mind I’ve realised I must shut up talking at once, but I’m sure you catch my drift)

This is why no wine promotion-sorry not sorry!

If you have officially crossed the above line, and soldiered on regardless, then you are a trooper, hats off to thee, thank you, and WOW!

Final point(s)

I was originally about to give up.

I’ve always cared, immensely. I’ve always argued the toss with anyone or thing who tried telling me otherwise, about my conviction to make a massive difference in the world, and to not only help and campaign for every human being who- whether or not they think mental health has a role to play in their lives, be it a fluctuating factor which has its dips and lifts in exactly the same way as physical health, or whether people have gone through the experiences of mental illness-which tends to come with a label or three, slapped upon a person a bandaid plaster, often without any accompanying treatment/help/support/therapeutic input/advice or constructive ‘plan forwards’.

‘The system is fucked (mental health), and they (the local official NHS mental health services, and their utter disgrace of a mental health unit, for a means of ‘safety’, ‘healing’, promotion of ‘recovery’, ‘empathy of quite a few-not all, but enough- staff, in particular the sheer abomination that is an assessment unit’s Consultant Psychiatrist), and since they can’t and won’t help us- in fact, only traumatise and invalidate us more than before- we must stand together, as the REAL professionals…

It must be averted, it must be saved, WE- all of us- must be saved.

The ones with the lived experience, plus the right level of passion, tendency towards unconventional means of getting shit done, rebellion against oppressive systems, and capacity to actually help, rather than hurt, each other.’

Imagine if we all managed to stand together and not only protest, but outright overthrow the hierarchy of label loving, dismissive and downright dangerous psychiatrists/ ‘crisis teams’, and then all come together, and mutually salvage our own souls, as a ‘mentally labelled’ group of survivors… We genuinely would be about 90% more likely to recover and thrive once more!

After about ten minutes and a couple of cigarettes worth of conversation with her, I knew I bloody loved her (in a friendship and non creepy way), and would like to have her in my life for the rest of whatever is left of it.

Sweet line above… thank you.

For I have literally surpassed my own tendency and capacity to say anything more.

I have out written my own self.

Now THAT, my friends, is a testament to how brilliant Angel C is.

How about this for a bit of raw reality, shed a little light on ‘Great Britain’s’ plight

I don’t care anymore about holding back, this is what ‘Great Britain’ looks like today, I am not scared to share situations which others will resonate with, silently.

Confession time:

Yeah, cheers government emergency crisis loan, I actually ended up using the £348 you to pay for my suicide.

Rather than use it for the urgent gas, electric, food and utilities I actually needed to afford, I confess- I could not handle the suffering of my mental health anymore, I’d begged and begged and sought the help, only to harm my mind even more, as I was failed by the underfunded, absolute clusterfuck that is the reality of the UK’s mental health services.

They were more broken than me, and so unhelpful that they literally just spurred my suicidal intent on even more.

When you need help, and are capable still of using final droplets of inner strength to seek it out, you need the help to actually be there, but instead, they are so fucking fucked, that the despair and helplessness was amplified within, there literally was no hope, thus cried out the evidence.

So I went on and used my crisis loan to pay for enough street obtained lethal methadone, knowing as a recovering addict just how successful an opioid overdose can be in causing death.

I used the money I’d applied for to survive, to turn towards committing suicide- via rapid and certain methods, knowing full well, That not even a person in active addiction or tolerant to opioids, has a chance against surviving such a dose as my dealer was happy to supply, the quickest, smoothest suicide that money could buy.

The human body has proven to me over years and previous attempts to end my own life, that it is one hell of a determined, unstoppable force when it comes to its natural fight to survive. This creates problems for the success rates of other methods.

Moving on, I’d finally come to the tip of a mind made up, and suddenly, no force on Earth could have stopped me going on to carry out what I was going to do.

I was so elated when I’d messaged a previous drug-using contact, that for the first time in so long, I actually danced in joy, and rushed to meet the guy who was going to help me die.

Take note- Here highlights your first few massive problems affecting ‘Great Britain’- mental health crisis, lack of services, highest death rates by suicide, the ease of obtaining illegally supplied drugs over the actual medication which might have helped one to stabilise- had there been any GP appointments, or timely Psychiatric and mental health intervention, which was actually easier than buying drugs off the street.

The drug dealers are so much more reliable, and easy to ‘get an appointment with’, than actual legal NHS health services.

Plus, there’s the issue that I was in a position of needing to take out the emergency budgeting loan from the DWP in the first place. A cost of living crisis which is impossible for any of us to ignore. Only, it doesn’t matter to the Tories, does it?

Here is the next problem- the reason I am still alive, is simply because this drug supplier of mine only went and took my cash, did one, robbed me, and left me with nothing.

Not only was I now seething and distraught about still being alive, but I was also unable to fund any safe transport to get to any place of safety, even if it had to be A&E.

As highlighted, is the additional issue of how ruthless and prevalent the extent of ‘crime’ in Britain is.

Intent to supply, robbery, subsequent chase to capture the twat for myself, using his photo to show to many other rough sleepers, who had a good chance of knowing his face.

They did know of him, as well. It was either try and call the police, only to put myself in grave danger of retribution for being a ‘grass’, and bringing other people into the matter, then risk the ‘no further actioned’ outcome, which has been the case for two other recent and severe police matters, where as a victim, I was no dumbfounded to hear the police force tell me there was ‘not enough evidence’, despite evidence enough from call logs, hospital staff, security guards, CCTV, and domestic abuse workers, and so does anyone wonder why victims are prone to taking matters ‘into their own hands’?

So the police force we pay our taxes to fund, are failing us too, although I must say that when I’ve needed their drastic intervention during mental health disasters, whereupon I have lost my mind to a point of hurling myself into oncoming traffic, walking on train tracks, and the cheaper but more ruthless suicide attempt of hanging, many of the officers who have had to try and stop me, have actually been thousands of times more competent at speaking to people in mental health crises, in a competent manner, whereby their own skill and greater compassion far exceeds most staff actually employed to work within the mental health services you actually needed so badly for help in the first place.

Since this incident, emergency services have been called out by other people to meet at least four times, and this is within a week.

Not ashamed to have vandalised…. Just how inept can things be, in considering any patient, and their courage to seek out places of ‘help’?

I’ve been discharged from a mental health ‘clinical decisions unit’, with no clear or adequate aftercare support plan in place, a paradoxical mess whereby I have been sent home with less mental health medication than when I went in, and the ‘follow ups’ which were promised in the CPA/discharge meeting have simply not happened.

Ive had to shoplift some basic food, and the depressive episode I’m now entering is looming like an incoming missile.

All the while, mental health care coordinators simply respond: ‘I’ll send an email’.

Fucking perfect! Greatest of confidence does the old ‘email’ response revive!

The medication subsequently doesn’t get reviewed and re prescribed on time, so desperation leads me into an old trick of having to buy my own non prescribed benzodiazepines from the internet, which is far more dangerous and likely to cause a relapse into addiction, than had the legal, controlled and regulated medicinal intervention been available or on the horizon at all.

Then I end up with 31p left of the emergency credit to my prepayment meter, that I won’t even be able to charge my phone to call for help, or answer important calls from services, let alone try and utilise the electricity to use a basic radio to ‘self soothe’ as a distraction.

The dark humour in me laughed at the fact that at least that night, when I returned from the only mental health place of sanctuary I have found- Hull and East Yorkshire Mind’s ‘crisis pad’- I wouldn’t be capable of knitting together any kind of noose required, with no light to ensure I could do the job properly!

That, dear Rishi Sunak, and everyone else remaining silent about how dire things are for the United Kingdom of today, is but a snippet of a citizen’s experience.

All within a week.

Great job, you twat

I know it’s not just me having such a crazy time or deplorable situation, but I just have the nerve, the lack of shame, time or patience left to ‘keep calm and carry on’.

To the above, all I have left to say, is fuck off.

Living life with the aid of good quotes

Do you have a quote you live your life by or think of often?

Yes I most certainly do have quotes which I try to remember to think of, in order to assist me in the process of living life, which as we all know, turns out to be far from easy, with a continuum of surprise difficulties always ready to greet us along our way…

To pick one though… that is a big challenge for me, I like so many different quotes for different purposes.

I guess to find one that undeniably fits the way that my life predominantly goes by, though, claims the championship over the multitudes, because it just simply does.

Irony that the rule of spelling the word ‘you’ in this particular image, has in itself been broken (accidentally or intentionally, we may never know!)

I can’t resist adding another quote which has been recently helping me to keep going, through yet another tough stage of life, is this:

You are the light and yourself illuminates all, with a destiny ahead to not only help you, but help others and lead them out of darkness, too.

It’s taken me a day and night to even mention, that yesterday (6th May), my daughter Evie turned 4 🌈❤️ about this!

My Evie is four!

I have been busy trying to make children’s book pictures for her, to send, and this awesome rainbow creation, gifted from the talented hand of a friend from Ground Art Group, has finally enabled me to post this…

Happy 4th Birthday to my beloved, beautiful and amazing baby girl.

The finished story book I’ve made for you too, will be soon to come through the post, so your adoptive parents can surprise you with it.

It just means so much to me, and you, that make it as awesome as you,

Knowing how much you love your books, I thought what better a present, albeit a bit late, to gift to you, illustrated colourfully and written as a fun story that can be read out to you, until (very soon I imagine, based of your passion), you will be able to read it for yourself, too!

Meanwhile, he we have a magical horse creation, from a fellow artist, and he drew this for you too.

Birthday girl ❤️

Oh how I love and feel happiness for you.

May your 4th be with you 😂 It better treat you like a princess, too!

Mania and insomnia take on Facebook adverts, for a ‘night’…

Just to clarify, this was never how I intended my life to turn out, but here I am, post crisis-pad intervention, distracting the emotional meltdowns which threaten my own safety keeping faculties, because of lacking options to exist otherwise.

Sometimes, I can actually do other things to avoid the consequences of even trying to close my eyes and dream, I’ve now realised won’t be achieved via ‘trying’ at all. Way too many disasters have followed such attempts, after the frustration and desperation morph mental turmoil into literal hell raising entities, which trust me, no one needs to encounter.

So, in the absence of enough Zopiclone in the world to make an impact upon this matter, one learns the art of pursuing the ‘unhelpful’ sleep hygiene guidelines, due to lack of any reason to keep trying to force desired results upon the reality they promise.

Arguing and responding to everything seen while scrolling on Facebook, is the manifestation of this day’s mental activities.

I wish I was asleep, but here we are, and I thought I’d own up to the unimpressive things I’ve been getting through the hours by:



In fact, during reflection that my ‘borderline personality disorder’ diagnosis is in need of revising, due to ‘bipolar disorder’ screaming out for the matter of accuracy, to Psychiatrists who need to challenge their own minds when believing a one hour, tickbox asking exercise, two weeks post massive trauma, with a person they have never met before in their whole lives, can possibly constitute a valid reason to cast one label over another, I realised that perhaps I should suggest that ‘border squiggle personality disorder’ ought to be a diagnosis more appropriate to my own personal experiences of mental ‘colour storm’ symptoms, rather than ‘black and white’ thinking possibilities, attributed to ‘borderline personality disorder.’

This illustration fits pretty well as it happens.

Only, I don’t think I have the pencil powers to try and create a picture of how my brain often feels!

Is what they thought would be the solution to the ramble, when I began speaking…

Comment upon own comment:

I actually really do like the ‘border squiggle disorder’ version of whatever on Earth my mental illness should be called! I feel it’s genuinely quite noteworthy. I’m owning it!

BSD- Its almost as good a LSD, only I got mine for free!

I kept going and going, annoying myself every single moment my mind refused to get a hold of itself, and I began to realise how much I missed the old days whereby no one was held in such captivity by any such ‘mobile phone’, let alone limitless’ source of online blabberings and Dopamine related incapacity to stop gorging with bloodshot eyes, all over the colourful, shiny, flashy colours, as if filtered photos and sponsored ads could be like Cocaine, but probably worse for your health!

Problematically, I realised I could still be in a different kind of ‘active addiction’. Why to a phone!? Would I be better off back on illegal means of mental diversion, if after all, I was still doomed to this life as an ‘addict’?

Important point- That is definitely NOT a good idea.

Fuck this, I’m going to go build a den in the woods again. This adult life shit… What’s the meaning of growing up into this!?

On that note, I’m off to go and paint rainbow stencil cards again.


Worried you might be in a relationship with a cunt, but can’t quite hear your own intuition?

Listen to this song:


Obviously applies to all genders.

Cock or the Pea- You’re both who I’m talking about!

Fuck them off because if you have that niggling worry that your partner is a secret twat, you’re probably right, so for God’s sake, Dance your path away from them.

Don’t ever be afraid to reach out to local domestic abuse services or charities, you can instantly click ‘exit this page’ if the bastard looks over your shoulder as you try to seek help, and, for dark humour’s sake, if they are of limited intelligence, use that to your advantage, because Deadly Nightshade flowers wildly in just a matter of months now, so spread some of those berries into his jam on toast!

That’ll keep him off your case as he rests in peace in his new affair with the gorgeous Belladonna 🤣😉🌸

Night night to the cunt and welcome back to life to you!

*Note- Probably best just teaching out to DAP (Domestic Abuse Prevention) first though.

**Additional note- obviously, use gloves while picking the deadly flowers and berries then applying them to your perpetrator’s dinner plate, though. Don’t poison yourself or have evidence issues to complicate your new life of freedom with!

***Final note- I am not responsible for the advice I am giving, so save yourself the paperwork, legal system. Have a brew instead, it’s fine!

Yes, you bloody well are!

The famous five… top everyday things that bring me happiness


What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness?

This question is useful beyond measure to a great degree, especially to fall back upon in times of deep struggles.

When you’re in your darkest moments, it’s far from easy to just be able to pull up a list from your head, of any single thing that can bring you happiness, and reminders are crucial!

1) Does my dog Stanley class as an ‘everyday item’? I’d say that’s rather underselling him a bit, but he is certainly here with me everyday, and always brings me happiness, even when I’m in the pits of depression.

How is it possible not to find happiness within that happy, bouncy smile of Stanley’s?

2) My pencil case– Most particularly when it is equipped with sharpened sketching pencils. Sketching is not just a means to explore your own creativity, and push the limits you once had the illusion were even there, but also, it can serve as a means to ‘purge’ your mind and soul of the inexplicable, which can feel consuming.

Even if you freak yourself out by what you draw, even if the best means to focus and distract is to copy an image directly, or if you feel at liberty to just go with it- the pencil case and the drawing which can stem from it, is capable of bringing back happiness which you’d forgotten was even retrievable.

Pens and paper… harmonised happiness

3) My keyboard– The potential for expression via improvisation, attempting to figure out playing a well loved tune my ear, or even trying to follow the instructions of sheet music, keep practiced and try to build upon the low skill level I made it to as a child, all of these means for getting lost in the music, and my own control over the creating/focusing on it, can literally take me upon a flight into a mental realm serving as the antithesis of depression/anxiety/mania/cravings/even flashbacks…

Reading the music demands so much focus, making up the music demands and then sustains so much liberation, playing by ear is a different challenge, equally attention grabbing, rewarding and nourishing for happiness.

Become the sound…

4) My radio- Having this on either to rave directly to (especially to Radio 1 on a Friday night), or have as background noise even, when I’m in need of some grounding and release from encroaching flashbacks and manic fear, is definitely not one I can miss out on celebrating within this list. I’m listening to it right now, and the building up of absolute treasures of the rave is definitely building up song by song.

Despite not being in the best place mentally to start with, it’s certainly keeping my safe enough to focus my mind on blogging, rather than taking the slide back down to the pits of rock bottom once again.

Dance it off, dance it off!

5) My late Mum’s artwork- As bittersweet as this might be, due to the unfading reminder that the artwork she left behind are in some ways all I have left of her, they are still what I have left of her, and not only do they inspire me in their beauty, and visual glory, but also as the inspiration they are to me.

I can hear her voice whispering to me in some precious service of my mind- ‘do some drawing Ellie’… and she’s there with me, enough to bring about happiness amidst the swirl of sadness that the loss is an accompaniment too. 🩷

A sketch from my Mum’s own talented artist’s hand 🩵

Appreciation and love for these ‘famous five’!

Absolutely Irvine Welsh- Ecstasy 🌈🦄🤩🤪🍄🎨💗

What book could you read over and over again?

There isn’t much else I can possibly say. Ecstasy had me entranced from the start, I only had to read the first page, then there I was, submerged, spellbound, and transfixed.

Time became an absent factor, all that mattered to me were the pages, words printed upon them which imprinted my own being.

The power, the joy, the pain and the fierce fight for freedom and recovery. I cannot imagine a single soul who would read these chapters without the same absorption I felt.

Oh everything here is fantastic!

Ecstasy- a downright beautiful book, and a downright beautiful pill…

I ain’t denying anything, everyone should try them both, you only have one life, don’t waste it without trying everything once.

Em de em yay!

7 of 9- The brilliant breaker of the Borg’s grasp, rescued by the crew of Star Trek Voyager

If you could be a character from a book or film, who would you be? Why?

An icon of pure strength, sexy, stubborn, fiercely intelligent.

Like a phoenix, Seven embarks upon a journey of rediscovering the ‘self’ after a hive mind ordeal, entrapment by Borg captivity, she had her individuality purged.

Yet despite the darkness which caged her, she gradually regains and fights through, becoming a beacon of strength and pure resilience of a soul that could not be destroyed, she rises again after her rescue by yoyager, an asset to Janeway, and her own self.

Returning to a woman, turning her scars from the Borg’s brainwashing and ensnarement, into her own brilliant skills and tools, assimilating into her new empowered and undefeated self.

‘I may no longer possess Borg perfection, but my experience as a drone has taught me to be efficient and precise.’

What a woman.

Aspirations of my 5 year old self

When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?

My child self, not yet afflicted, totally blissfully unaware of anything other than the freedom to dream

I can literally visualise the scenery and the image etched in my memory, transporting me back in time instantly, to answer this.

In the backseat of the old family car- A blue Cadette, rolling with my Mum driving to her school’s Art Department, which she had in hand they keys to unlock the doors on a Saturday, for the quick job of collecting something relevant from her office or classrooms, needed for a reason that was not on the mind of my imaginative 5 year old self- It would have been some kind of responsibility for the work of a Teacher, and I wasn’t wondering about what it was we needed here.

I’d been musing over the question of what I wanted to be when I grew up, and my mind was conflicted by the nagging indecision of which I could not for the life of me decide the answer to.

I resorted to my Mum for advice:

‘Mum, I really can’t decide whether I was to be a Teacher or a Princess when I grow up. Which one do you think I’d be the best at?’

I think her answer was probably: ‘both, but don’t worry, you have plenty of time to decide!’

Typically the kind of answer my Mum would give. Forever encouraging me that I COULD, so keep dreaming!

Instant bad mood reversal for those who are ready to punch a fucking train, watch this



Still pissed off?

Then you’re fucked. Because you shouldn’t be.

Either that, or you’ve had an Epileptic Seizure, due to my lack of warning about photosensitivity content. In which case, you’re quite right to be pissed off.

Sorry I’ve just set you back to point zero in waiting for that one year seizure free right to drive again.

I guess though because it was my fault it happened, you could always just not tell anyone, it’s not like you exposed yourself to the flashings lights on purpose, they were thrust upon you.

So …

Don’t mention it. My bad!

Happy Saturday!

Pending echoes- lyrics to my last song, link to recorded version yet to come!

Life, death, beauty beside decay, as ms portrayed visually, as a reminder of transformation, which sometimes only starts after death. Madness, eh!

Hello hello

Is anybody out there?

Hello hello

Can anybody hear?

Hello hello

All I hear are echoes

I shout your name but no one hears

The echoes, echoes,

All I hear are echoes

I’m starting to think the end is near

I’ve tried so hard

I’ve fought so long

But love isn’t enough

To even keep me here no more

I’m standing here looking down at this floor

I’m trying to think of

Some reason to

Take another chance

But we all know that I will not be heard,

We all know that I’m not the only one

How many more will we lose from life?

Way before our time and

Way before our purpose

We could have gone and done so much

I could have helped us

I could have changed the way things were

But this one soul can only see so much

I feel it’s time for moving on

A last chance, my last chance,

I gave this fight its last chance

But then they just fucked me over

Then they just fucked me over

Cycles cycles

Just repeating are the cycles

This mess of mental health is clear

I know I know

I know that this is heartbreak

I feel the shame and I loathe it

Oh this conflict

Burns inside me

Ashes falling


Into my toes

I cannot even walk no more

I scream, shout out and cry

I write the words from my heart

I try to say as eloquent

As I possibly can

I do not fight

I do not cause no harm

I just wanted some help

I wanted to just survive

Soon I will not be alive

Echoes echoes

All that’s left are echoes

You won’t hear my voice again

Echoes echoes

These fading unheard echoes

Could this be my one last night?

Have I finally lost my light?

These lyrics will be recorded into the upcoming song, with an aim to make the best out of a limited set of professional equipment, but I’ll try as best I can, using my keyboard and voice alone, unless anyone has access to a recording studio per chance?

Time’s a factor though.

The job I would and will always do for free- but hear me now, the world has never been so close to losing me

What job would you do for free?

In the midst of the madness in which I am currently (and really, always have been, but never so aware of the extent to which I am trapped inside it) I will agree with the part of myself that is commanding me to finish off some final writing to leave behind, as the most and least I can do, before I’m gone forever, finally silent, finally absent- irreversibly defeated, dead and irretrievable, let’s say some last words.*

Then, there must be the means to keep it burning!

*Not this post as the official last, THAT post is in progress and has to be perfected enough with all the right means of ‘handling over’ my role, so don’t start thinking this is a suicide note.


Every moment I keep writing, is a moment where I’m not dying, a moment where, even if I’m finalising my final goodbye post, already in progress, but I’m so serious that I need to get it right, before it’s done, pre scheduled to publication, allowing me the time to commit suicide without interruption or any chance of stupidly publishing my suicide post right before I do what I’m going to do to so successfully manage to succeed this time, because if anyone cared, had the power of recognising that another life was about to just become a statistic and a sad news story, and there might therefore be that risk of being stopped, because anyone knows when and where or how it’s going to happen… I’ll answer your daily prompted question.

Assisted by my psychedelic penguin, I march forth and write

I’d work for free, forever, in saving people and helping them. It’s turning into something that I COULD have done, rather than something I am still to do. This is when ‘lived experience’ becomes so dangerous… It is invaluable, but at some point, something has to change.

Mental health and wellbeing, plus diagnosed mental illness whereby the poor health of one’s mind fits certain ‘diagnosable’ criteria, and the insurmountable diversity which exists, in terms of how manifestations of mental illness/distress/prolonged mental suffering, and how the mind and body ‘cope’ with the illness and the stress, trauma, anxiety, depression, grief etc, is also highly diverse at the same time coming out through symptoms individuals experience, such as Psychosis, addiction, self harm, violence, impulsive behaviour, eating disorders, isolation, self destruction, extreme cognitive confusion which might express itself in the form of memory loss, dissociation, strange and unusual behaviours, homicide, suicide etc…

Oh how well and truly I know, from professional, educational and lived experience, that the mental health system in the UK particularly, is absolutely failing people most in need of help, and either way, I would do anything to help individuals alone but preferably everyone, to get back into working for services as I have in the past, where I could support more people in specific areas at once, like peer mentoring, resettlement working, counselling and helping people work through finding and using coping mechanisms, which work for them.

This can massively help mental illness and wellbeing, as you can progress towards then guiding them into gradually practicing the skills/techniques/distractions/actions into becoming ‘second nature’, routine practices which keep one’s ’head above the water’, so to speak.

I’ve done it for free as a volunteer, done it for a wage as an employee, and done it for free just as myself, compelled and consistent all my life.

To an extent, getting paid to do it almost feels to subtract some of the genuineness and power out of my whole reason to do it!

I’m one of those people put on this Earth, who has fallen into the pit of Hell, only to be headed straight back down to carry the buckets of water for those still consumed by the flames.

Also laser strobe lights, for additional salvation purposes…

The darkness has made me the light.

My purpose would be a whole lot easier to fulfil, if the human world was not becoming so skilled at ensnaring itself into perpetual blindness, whereby people are being deprived of sight by those who hoard and consume the lamps.

Not naming any names… but a warning- keep using power with as much competence as a chicken on ketamine, and start building a base for progression, not oppression.
Our ‘leaders’… and where all the ketamine has gone.

This soul has seen enough. This time, I am saying my final goodbye.

Note- this post actually remained unfinished due to sudden severity of immediate discharge by dr akin of Avondale Miranda house after he discharge me today despite begging and begging for help.

Here is what I had chance to write down to help me in the ‘decisions meeting’, which he did not even give me chance to finish reading out to him. ‘Please, I have to see other patients, there is not enough time for this.’ Direct quote, witnessed by Emma my Renew worker, Sarah from Hull DAP, staff nurse Sam Q during this meeting.

Dr who discharged a suicidal patient begging for help and to be heard l: Dr Akin Fadahunsi, consultant psychiatrist at Miranda house.

By the time anyone sees or reads this post, I will be gone, and my soul will have flown far afield- the body which it borrowed everything I fought so hard to avoid becoming- another statistic, another preventable death, another name which time shall erase, a person who genuinely, furiously and avidly fought to be helped, so I could help others like I once did.

Tears are in my eyes as I write this goodbye, and mourn for that (now heartbreakingly obsolete) vigour of being a soul as passionate, hard working and true as my Mum was.

‘Well then why end your life if you are so sad and sorrowful to do so, with that belief in yourself that you could have been so capable and determined to get through, and be what you knew you could be? – You may very reasonably ask.

It is a good question, and within this post, I will explain to anyone reading this, my answer: Why?

So, let me begin a post about an end. Paradoxical indeed.


I guess you will get to experience reading a post from a ghost.

I can’t promise it won’t be haunting, either.

It is haunting.

Very much so.

Because I am not the only one at all, neither are any of you- because mental illness affects us all, in more ways than one.

And mental health funding, services, accessibility to the appropriate and timely care, is not an issue that is showing any signs of improving…

It worsens, as government, local authorities, and exhausted professionals working in the field of helping people, within the sphere of health as a whole- and mental health is most certainly about health. It should be obvious.

So why is this crisis in the UK getting less attention and action from those with the power to address it, than other issues such as the legal age of smoking, why is this crisis which is affecting not only the region of Hull, but the entire UK, not being addressed?

What can we do? At least, I tried to make myself laugh at Rishi Sunak’s total disregard for how it feels and exists to be disabled, by both physical and mental illness!

Mental illness, and the emptiness inside the words we hear public figures and policy makers speak, of ‘mental health’, as they periodically address the issue, as if obliged by the script to their grand ‘play’ of political parody, stealing and shrinking the magnitude of which this subject desperately demands.

Because, paradoxical as it sounds, I’d actually realised I DID want to live, desperately, but as a person who was put in the Earth to help others and fulfil a meaningful purpose, I cannot complete this journey, because, try as I damn well have, many times, in many different ways, for many many years.

Sometimes, the mental health act had to be enacted, in order to to aid my memory of a reason to live, manage flashbacks and manic to depressive calamities within a safe space, then begin to become well enough to do so myself.

Many more times, the reaching out, the self referring, reliance on GPs to be interested enough to refer me to the right mental health services I needed, trying to keep the faith, in the services I knew from experience were failing, the mental health crisis was snowballing, even both staff snd the patients were now driven further to the brink…

Some staff did help, some often listened, despite not always being in a position to ‘do anything’, about the problems people faced, coming to different faces each day to re-tell the same traumatic story, for a stranger who needed context, to hell them truly understand the matter at hand.

Indoctrinated into conformity, people behind to loose the lassitude once had.

All the while, sat certain GPS and disenfranchised staff, in their swivel chairs, staring into the labyrinth that is ‘Lorenzo’ (A system used by NHS providers to sum you up in a box, small enough to pass for an excel spreadsheet), as they insist: ‘trust me, within a week you will have definitely heard back from a Psychiatrist.’

I’ll send an email… is a favourite statement they say, like a robot or some personalised voicemail, the email option for some metaphorical band aid. This is such a common response to your heartfelt plea for your actual assigned worker to answer your calls, leaving months in between their visits to ‘help’.

I am so sick of hearing mental health services preach sending an email, or ‘adding notes’ to pretend they’re actually helping you or hearing you.

E-mails upon e mails, hailed as though they constitute genuine actions…

I have overcome so much, including the challenge of walking oneself to a place of safety, to unleash and speak the honest truth to professionals, about the deepest, most terrifying realities about how you REALLY are.

The likes of which, year after year, you have subconsciously tightened the chains concealing their presence, in a desperate bid to pretend your way out of their haunt, lingering inside you with silent, indecipherable weight, of unspent static.

Yet even to this day, although reports and history, and the legacy of spoken words, passed along human to human, embedding the idea, that things have improved for mental health, so much more than it may actually be the case. ‘Oh it mental health was never a thing back in the day. People just kept things quiet and got on with it…’ claim the generations who drink heavily every day, or self medicate using both legal and illegal narcotics to function…

Sure, I don’t personally feel afraid or embarrassed (anymore) to speak out and talk about my own mental health journey, because eventually, the suffering- trapped by silence, which smothers as it covers- becomes simply too excruciating to keep concealed.

Rock bottom with its many surprise cellars, has a way of enticing you to ‘what could be worse’ beckoning, questions which I express now with fiercely serious warning, you need not only to look up from the descent of these cellars, compelling you to seek suffering further, and instead avert your gaze to the want to look above, for a way out… But this first stage does require the helping hands of not only just one saviour, but often multiple hands, reaching down to help pull up to the height of the well when the ladder out begins, and then, you are enabled to climb your own way out.

This is my metaphorical means of explaining how and why a person in mental health crisis and/or severe deterioration, can begin to look to save themselves at any point, but the reality is, that you need assistance to help pull you out of the depths you have reached, first.

This is why mental health services are crucial, however, across the UK, the services as they stand today, are in crisis to the point of turning these ‘helping hands’ into the crushing detriment of a ton of bricks, landing upon you, instead.

Not the expression joy following further obstacles, when you have finally realised how much you want to get better…

So here I am now, telling you my story, and sharing the painful truth, that even me- the most fiercely determined and stubbornly defiant human, wanting too live through this pain to become who I was meant to be- the Ellie who helps people with mental health and all of its diverse complications which affect each of us differently… Well now, even I have realised that, since I cannot get the right help, which I desperately need, I can’t do it anymore.

How am I supposed to carry on and manage to help others, like I can, and I have, when I am so unwell myself, still, and in order to become who I was meant to be, helping and advocating, refusing to believe that I cannot make and become the change… I can’t do this if I do (did) not get the help I needed to become well enough to even start?

And believe me, have I tried.

I’ve been medicated, hypnotised, sent away and sectioned (inside psychiatric hospitals so shit and hindered by poorly trained staff, that they may as well just be there to help you tie a good noose) I have pursued, researched and tried all the limited therapeutic options, through the only route I can afford, within the NHS, I’ve begged for referrals, I’ve ‘utilized’ the so called ‘support’, which staff within mental health services l, are constrained by their company’s contract, to only be funded or allowed to do so much, or coerced by managers tofka the I have admitted myself into hospitals informally several times within the past year,?

This ranges from inpatient wards, community teams, ‘diagnosis specific services’, crisis team phone operators, who take hours to even answer your desperate calls…. Only to answer your pleas for help, last resort survival by suggesting you save yourselves with cups of tea, breathing, sleeping, having ‘nice baths’, or ‘crisis team managed’ home visit staff, who step in to visit you at home for about 20 minutes every few days (they don’t), to check you are still alive.

Inadequacy of ‘crisis management’ is the crux of what I must also stress.

Taking up to five hours to return your phone call to the crisis line, is a recipe for disaster.

One who is already in a state of crisis so extreme, that they inflict the anxiety, frustration and lack of faith upon themselves by making the call to begin with, is generally calling because the only alternative is to submit to the impending urges and likelihood that the noose which hangs ready and waiting for your neck, or the windows you are a first away from smashing to pieces, are already a reality seconds away from materialising.

So waiting four hours for the initial crisis call to be picked up, generally succumbs to the crisis which initiated the call, and by the time you’re answering the phone, you’re already inches deep into the skin, wildly losing control each second, tearing away more flesh, despite the paradox of answering the long awaited call back.

The distress does get picked up by the receiver, and often this leads to an ambulance rapidly arriving at your door. Which, in fairness, by this stage, is needed.

‘Coping techniques’ handed to the suicidal, manic, depressed of severely delusional patient, by these crisis teams, are literally sheets of paper, with lists of patronising and undermining, pathetic ideas for a ‘technique.’

You end up reading it and feeling even worse, through sheer despair, and almost comically insulting exposure to how others perceive your crisis is so far past the point of ‘having a warm bath’, that you’re wondering why the hell they didn’t just assume first wrote the advice ‘coping skill’ of teabags to soothe and tortured, manic chaos of the crisis afflicting minds, was and sing the praises of ‘thine hallowed cups of tea’ as their few words of ‘advice’, most of the time coming into your home as strangers to ‘explain yourself to’, every occasion, as ‘assigned’ to you that day.

I say ‘assigned’, not just because they tell you that ‘you are their assignment for their duties of the day’ themselves, but also because the majority of these differing faces you see, are TERRIBLE at acting as though they even care at all.

Rushing to scribble down about 5% of the words you use to describe how you are, what are you able to do each day, what you ‘have planned’ for the rest of the day, and ‘what your circumstances are’ (vague as a question itself, and painstakingly repetitive to repeat time and time again to different staff, who haven’t met you, read your notes properly, or earned any drop of trust from you, to then be expected to ease you into divulging the ‘entire story’ of recent, recurring, past or present trauma, intimate and personal details of how you are struggling, and let’s face it- you’re under a mental health crisis team, how hard is it to hazard a guess about your ‘circumstances’!?

Often, the staff can be so astonishingly clueless about mental health itself, that you end up having to ‘train them’ in how to understand the complexities of various illnesses and disorders.

This tires you out, as does the monotony of even answering the door to yet another stranger, who thinks ‘you can’t be in crisis because you’re acting fine’, or: ‘you obviously don’t really want to die, otherwise you’d have done it by now…’ Believe me, the number of times I’ve closed that front door behind them, feeling ten times more suicidal, outraged, hopeless and extinguished entirely by their amazing capacity to fuck your head up even further, I could not even count using all fingers on both hands.

The staff who discharged me from the desperate hospital admission I experienced at Mill View, infuriated and actually, managed to devastate me to the point of tears.

To start with, they were ‘running late’, so my meeting which was due to start at 3pm, didn’t allow me in until 10 to 4pm, leaving me just 10 minutes to speak and express what I wanted to say.

Again, I’d been up for hours writing down a detailed and comprehensive set of notes, the previous night, to ensure that I could be able to express my reasons for wanting to remain in hospital for even just one more week (because, truthfully, they are just that desperate for beds, that it’s not even about what’s right for the patient anymore, it’s about subtracting you from their listed numbers of spaces)

The final 11th page of this particular set of notes pleading for my life

Once again, despite desperate pleas for better structured, transitional, safety planned and adequately listened to discussions whereby if you feel you need slightly more time to stabilise, reintegrate to the community, with the support and encouragement from staff, adjust medications and make sure they are benefitting you, ensure you have an immediate safe, secure, risk assessed and appropriate ‘home’ to get sent to that same day, yet prove all of your justifiable pessimistic outlook right, by rushing the most honestly insightful, yet terrified patients.

This isn’t just a failure to fulfil a duty to safeguard and support patients in need, it extends further, and is attributable to many subsequent deaths by suicide, serious self harm, drug and alcohol relapse, harm to others… Hull cannot afford to be killing people off like this, it is not safe and it is not okay.

This is not a ‘selfie’ I’m at all proud of, but it is a picture which sheds light on the level of suffering and self harm, that becomes at outcome of sheer distress, and believe me, this is definitely not the worst bit gets.

I thought I’d found safety when I unearthed that realisation, that as my late mother’s daughter, I could truly make a difference to people, in the same way that she did- not only as a mother, wife, artist, friend, talented, interesting and brilliant inspiration that she was, but also, as the highly regarded and influential Art Teacher that she dedicated her career and her calling to.

I began to dream…

Maybe I could do what I myself was put in this Earth to do too.

Maybe, I could revive that part of me which I had long since believed had died, post many a trauma and a continuous decay, which smothered away my being, my personality, my passion, my smile, will to live, and dedication to help myself through mental illness, again and again, despite how weighty and grim a ‘mass’ it could inflict each and every time my illness shook me hard with relapse…

All these failings, these shortfalls, the diabolical and devastating loss of lives, through the people lost to suicide, following the completely inadequate, underfunded and poorly capable mental health services, there to treat, stabilize, support, protect and to save you…

It stuns me to the core, that Government, MPs, professionals and executives, with the power to enact change, services themselves, most part of the UK’s supposedly ‘free and accessible’ healthcare system for all, the NHS, are not screaming from the rooftops (dark humour requirement- the rooftops that we, the Suicidal and unwell, are so ready to jump off), demanding the debate, attention and awareness, crucial action- whatever it takes- to address this insurmountable mental health crisis in the UK.

I’ve not heard one MP recently, talk about the urgent matter of mental health, except for the complete tool who recently called for ‘an end to mental health culture’, in order to get people back to work, rather than in need of benefits due to the illness which he portrayed as if it was some kind of generational ‘trend’.

People are out of work due to mental illness, no doubt about that.

Can there be any more of a ridiculous assumption that this is for fun, some matter of ‘culture’ which celebrates illness, through the ‘trending’ influence of social pressure to ‘be like the rest of us, and call in sick, flaunt your antidepressant prescriptions or your antipsychotics to the world, then go have some jolly old time incapacitated by either the medication, the underlying illness, or both, and waste away in bed until you die.

Some people (my own experience included), are so unwell that they can’t even manage to face walking into another room, to find the lethal tools which will enable this whole process to end much sooner- wanting nothing but to die, yet so fucking catatonic and absent that it’s too much effort to even tie the noose you keep fantasising about.

I have begged and begged for help for too long now, only to be failed by the mental health services I truly needed in Hull, who I engaged with and spoke honestly with about how imperative, terrifying, and close my suicide, and at least, drug relapse, self harm, dissociative states including flashbacks so severe that I have afflicted stab wounds to walls, while totally trapped inside a memory of trying to fight off a rapist.

I had to find out about this when I had the capacity again, for my own Dad to have to show me what I’d done, what he had witnessed, how he knew which perpetrator I was fighting off, and how my dissociated actions were undoubtedly a flashback induced event.

I’ve even brought myself to share such information to the crisis team and staff who come to assess you, when you turn up at Miranda House, usually following the assistance and urgent advice, or matter of duty, following opening up about just how dire things are, at Mind’s Crisis Pad, which is the only mental health support service I have experienced in Hull my entire life, who actually help you, listen to you, have the compassion and the competence of staff and volunteers who support you there.

On this note, it is highly important for me to highlight that Hull and East Yorkshire’s Mind, who have a service for people who are referred or self refer for a space at the ‘crisis pad’- A Sanctuary there to turn to, when you are in mental health crisis, meaning of course being on the verge of suicide or other imminent danger.

The staff at the crisis pad, which is accessible to the lucky four referrals they have the capacity to offer a place, from 7pm-1am, have saved my life so many times.

They are all so dedicated, compassionate, kind and supportive, and I have come out of a ‘one to one’ period of talking to staff alone, for support, advice, and just a need for someone to hear you, feeling so much better than prior hours of suffering have inflicted upon me all day, that I can wholeheartedly conclude that my experience shows me that the team here are so much more knowledgeable, seemingly well trained, caring and empathetic, than any other staff I have dealt with from the ‘official’ NHS mental health services in Hull.

I can’t compare any part of any NHS (non contracted, charitable service) mental health experiences with staff and the entirety of a mess that sums up the likes of the Crisis Team, Home Based Treatment Team, Avondale Ward, of Miranda House, to the skill and effectiveness of the staff and entire environment of Mind’s Crisis Pad.

All I can do is extend my pure gratitude to all of them, and stress the significance of how they have been able to help me climb higher from the pit of a mental health rock bottom, like this team have done for me, and others.

They deserve recognition and awards, at least, for how amazing they are.

The only problem is that they can only offer a mere four spaces to people in crisis, despite how many referrals they receive daily, from equally desperate people, failed yet again by the alternative mental health professionals in Hull, which is due to lack of funding, limited and bound by the contractual provisions of the Humber NHS services which dictate what, and how much they can provide.

Take anything from this- please applaud and fundraise for them, campaign and recognise for all they do.

As for Miranda House, where as I finally write this same repeated story for a last time of being capable, for the fourth time this week I’ve been sent or gone there forever my own safety and to seek serious support- which is so direly needed that I need to be hospitalised, for my own safety, but as always, I express while still able, then get turned away and unheard, sent home (to danger) in a taxi, regardless of admitting that I am at imminent risk to myself or others.

When I expressed exactly what this entailed in terms of likely plans carried out successfully, or due to the loss of control I am suddenly consumed by, the staff member assessing me there tonight/this morning, around 3am, told me to ‘just be positive’, to ‘wait for a support call later in the day’, ‘don’t think like that’, ‘just don’t act on anything and go to sleep at home.’

That should never have happened.

A duty of care to myself and others, the priority of safety and being taken seriously, when a desperately manic, despairing and frightened patient should be paramount.

Not left to happen.

That’s why and how we lose people.

That’s why justice and immediate change MUST occur, because too many of us have already died.

Zero fucks left to give, all I had the power left to to do was write in permanent ink, my last message, my protest, and my words which even when read on a now ‘vandalised’ Miranda House toilet wall, will still go unheard, scrubbed off, and seen as the crime, when really, it is the crime of such failures which scream out to be heard.

Visiting your spirit, alone. My return to the Queens building of Castle Hill Hospital, where the lonely suitcase still haunts me.

No ordinary scene was visited this day.

At last, and without any inch of hesitation stopping me from my march towards this destination, I adamantly and resolutely walked through those hospital grounds, nothing and nobody would have been able to stop me.

The Queens building, Castle Hill Hospital.

Oncology, breast care.

It did not take me long to find my way, not any effort at all for my memory, as I put one foot in in front of the other, navigating the curves along the long road to reach it.

The familiar blue sign outside the building itself, alongside those same blue signposts I passed along the way, as the madness of letters and words stirred tears and flashes of memory within my core.

White were the names printed vividly against the deep blue signposts.

I thanked the green grassy terrain, and the distant hug from surrounding trees, for their presence, not only in 2019, but still for my own comfort today, too.

The wards, aptly named numerically, upon the blue board by the entrance.

‘Palliative care’ remains unwritten and finalised by the printing of letters on these signs.

I imagine, out of the grace of the staff , who protected loved ones from the ‘confirmation in writing’ , signalling the impending ending, soon to become of the cherished and beloved, whose family members and friends visited, at least just to hold the hands of their cherished, fading lights of their lives.


For the first time in nearly five years… I took the opportunity to go and visit the Queen’s Oncology and Breast Cancer Care building at Castle Hill, yesterday. The place of the final goodbye, the grounds of a shattered soul where I’d last seen my mother alive.

I had to go.

I had to see those zebra crossing again, the ones where we took my Mum in for the last time, and a few days later, holding my Dad close, we were walking out of the building, crossing back over those same black and white interruptions painted upon the busy car park road… We had a suitcase, full of Mum’s belongings. But she wasn’t walking out beside us.

She was never going to walk out of anywhere beside us again.

I cannot describe how it felt, when the reluctant, slow and other worldly sound of that suitcase’s lowly wheels, dragging to the pace of our numb and dissonant footsteps. It was almost like the wheels were crying as they scraped the lonely, incomprehensible void, felt through the pavement, the friction of those wheels, the birds which must have been singing, since by now it was 7am.

The zipped up and sealed bag, the wash bag inside, the pyjamas she wore…faces of other family members, as they looked towards the ‘two lost souls swimming in (that) fish bowl’, trying to move forwards, and they knew.

The suitcase emphasised its reluctance to carry forth. We were missing someone.

Perhaps it thought we needed to stop and wait for her to catch up.

But she was never going to walk out of that building, or beside us again.

Absence stabs, like a heart attack you know isn’t real, but at such a time of grief, you wish it was.

At last, I took a step towards ‘closure’ and the opening of grief’s delayed chapters.

I remembered the terrible time had trying to find a parking space. Stupid little things like that, when I or we came to visit her.

I gazed at those crossings, remembering.

I gazed over the wall into the pretty garden space, paved gently with pebbles and finely placed brick pathways, which formed the centre of the ward downstairs, where the terminally ill passed away.

Within one of these windows, onlooking the garden, I saw my Mum for the last time. I remember so well.

I remember the vast, large windows, and thought, ‘good, at least Mum can look out at that expanse of green, floral window view, maybe even see a few bunnies.’

Beyond higher walls, a vast landscape of fields and sky rolled across the horizon, so my Mum’s soul, I felt relieved and happy as humanely possible, could fly over a green, natural and beautiful space as he soul departed.

I gazed over at those fields again today.

I dared go inside the building too, of course. You may as well be brave, don’t I always say?

Besides, much to my joy, I kept hearing my mother’s voice reminding me to go straight to the MacMillan reseources space, to gather information about the hereditary Breast Cancer screening I’m still yet to initiate.

Mum’s BRACA1 ‘faulty gene’, and the triple negative Cancer it ruthlessly inflicted upon my Mum, predisposing her to this early death, as the hereditary nature of it may well afflict my sister and I, too, needs screening with no delay. 5 years delay was long enough. So I picked up all of the leaflets, phoned the helplines, scanned QR codes, prepared for booking myself in for the screening of potential BRACA (Barbaric ruthless atrocious c**t, abomination) genetic faults which predispose we, the daughters, but if spotted early, can be arrested via preventative surgery, medication etc, before the savagery begins…

I also found two crocheted ‘worry worms and a rainbow heart by the stalls, paid my donation, and held them tight to my chest as I continued my expedition back into the darkest depths of a past which stole my soul (at least bloody tried, my soul is unconquerable).


I found an array of books upon a comforting enclosure of bookshelves, and I sat for hours, reading though the pages of Art books, poetry and weathered old hardbacks alike.

I was dressed only in my pyjamas, but as if shame was going to stop me from sitting on that floor, reading through them all, as I felt like I was sitting there with my Mum herself, as we quietly scanned prose and poetry together (of which there were so many).

Eventually (again, hearing my mother’s voice of sense inform me I could only take away and donate to the charity box, so many. I could not take the entire bookshelf and then come back for the rest. I returned, eventually, with a humble collection of seven (most unusual for me to be so disciplined!)…

Then I left through those doors again, repeated the ‘goodbye’, and took in the fresh air. I sat beside the most fantastically sculpted male sculpture, outside on the bench. When I’d entered at first, I’d thought he was a real living man.

‘Don’t fear, I see the freedom of a beautiful soul, flying still, through the skies , over the fields. I weep with you too, but look ahead- She is still there’ ❤️

The grief mixed with a comforting gaze which emanated from his eyes was profound. He had one arm around me, placed over the back of the bench. I sat with him, spoke a little with him, and allowed myself to be consoled by his sad, empathetic gaze. He was staring into the sky and the rolling fields where the souls departed, too. He was a sculpture with a comforting, indescribably strong soul, I could almost hear him cry beside me, as I rested my head upon his chest, within I swear I could hear a heart beating.

I fell into the welcoming arms of this work of Art, a comfort of a soul who felt like he was right there with me.

And I began to process.

Grief, hello again. It’s time we took a walk, and completed the journey we did not get chance to complete, properly, for close to 5 years.

Can we take the route through the trees, first?

Hello Death